University officials visit CSU Lasam for Cascading of Targets for PBB, SUC Levelling
Published March 25, 2024 by The Ripple


With the goal to facilitate transparency and to ensure a more objective assessment, university officials visited the campus for the Cascading of Targets for PBB and SUC Levelling at the Darp Hall on March 25, 2024.

The endeavour started with the opening message of CEO Prof. Florante Victor M. Balatico and proceeded immediately with the Five Key Results Area (KRA) presented by Dr. Florentina S. Dumlao.

KRA 1 is access and equity; KRA 2 is quality and relevance of the institution; KRA 3 is excellence in research and creative works; KRA 4 is extension services; and KRA 5 is governance and management of resources, as highlighted in Dr. Dumlao’s presentation.

Dr. Angelita Rabanal, University Director for Planning, broadened and discussed the 2024 Cascading of University Targets of Lasam Campus, wherein sufficient details and information were included and served as guiding principles for the employees.

Moreover, Dr. Giged T. Battung, Vice President for Finance, emphasized KRA 3, 4, and 5, which were later elaborated by the Vice President for Research, Dr. Junel B. Guzman.

After the presentation, questions were entertained by the speakers. The awarding of tokens and photo opportunities followed.