DOLE conducts Employment seminar for CSU-Lasam graduating students
Published June 27, 2024 by The Ripple


To equip the candidates for graduation of Cagayan State University (CSU)- Lasam campus with necessary knowledge in withstanding future endeavors after graduation, the Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), in partnership with CSU-Lasam’s Career and Counseling Services Office (CCSO), conducted an Employment Counseling Seminar on June 27, 2024.

Ms. Johanna Jocelyn G. Alan, Senior Labor Employment Officer of DOLE Office R02, discussed an A to Z tips for job seekers, inculcating vital pieces of advice during job employment.

Ms. Gloria M. Alvarado, Senior Labor Employment Officer of DOLE Office R02, enlightened the candidates regarding the basic rights of employees, such as minimum wage and salary, scheduled rest days, types of leaves, and work pay compensations.

Furthermore, she emphasized the significance of knowing the rules and regulations of companies as one of the obligations or responsibilities of employees.

To formally conclude the seminar, Assoc. Prof. Judelyn Cantor, Dean of the College of Teacher Education (CTED), expressed her appreciation and gratitude to the resource speakers.