To refine and upgrade the services of Cagayan State University-Lasam, the providers of front line and non-front line services, led by the campus auditors, had an orientation and workshop on the Revised Non-conformity Report Form, Improvement Action Form, NAP Form1, QMS Maintained and Retained Documented Information, and Control of Documented Information last January 30, 2024, at the campus library.
Said program was graced with a message from the OIC of the day, Assoc. Prof. Janilete R. Cortez, followed by the presentation of the program’s rationale, discussed by the Campus ISO focal person, Dr. Josephine Maggay.
After which, the OSDW Coordinator and IQA, Asst. Prof. Cherry Sanut, talked about the orientation on the revised non-conformity report form and improvement action form, as well as the NAP Form I and QMS Maintained and Retained Documented information.
Meanwhile, Asst. Prof. Manuelito Musni, Campus MIS Officer, presented the control of documented information.
The program ended with a workshop and presentation of outputs as an initial step in bettering the service of the campus for the students.